MPC Website
MPC is a gathering place for people of all religious and spiritual beliefs who want to come together – in person, virtually, or just energetically – to positively influence the world, specifically by coordinated, focused intentions to impact world problems.
Through our Discord community, members can propose issues for attention (for instance: reversing climate change, creating peace, alleviating hunger). The collective intelligence of the members will select a date/time for coordinated action, then any members who wish to participate can set up local, in-person gatherings, work privately on their own, or attend via a dedicated online Discord channel.
The actual energy work is left up to the individuals – it can take the form of meditation, silent or spoken prayers, ritual, etc. The power comes from the collective spiritual energy being focused at the same time.
Anyone, anywhere can join the MPC community and participate in energetic activities. You can belong to any faith tradition – or none at all. You don’t need to believe in “God” in any specific sense – you only need to believe that humans have spiritual energy that can be focused towards positive outcomes.
There is no charge for membership or participation in the MPC community. Individual gatherings might have costs set by organizers to cover expenses, but there is no obligation to participate in these events.
All participation is voluntary, so you can spend as much or as little time as you want.
The best way to be part of the community is to join the Discord server. Discord is a shared chatting platform (similar to Slack), which will server as the home-base for conversations and online participation.
Additionally, there is an email list which you can subscribe to which will send out notifications of upcoming scheduled activities.